More difficult decisions (for us)! We are using the bottom colour for the sitting room and, as we love the top colour and really want to use it, we are going to use this in the study. My reticence is that the study is lovely and light and bright at the moment and, as this is where I will spend the majority of my days working, I don’t want it to feel too dark. Only one way to find out I guess!

We have also decided to repaint my bedroom using claypaint. We are not happy with the F&B’s ‘Blackened’ lime wash, it just looks cold and unfinished. We have found this colour (top swatch) from Fenwick & Tilbrook called ‘Scotch mist’ which is almost the same colour but warmer. We will keep the patchy dark walls either side of the chimney breast here, for now, they are not so bad even though they do not resemble the actual colour in the slightest…

The Fenwick & Tilbrook claypaints for the sitting room and landing feature wall have arrived, the day after I ordered them online! Amazing service I will say, I particularly love the quality control dab-out swatch attached to the outside of the pots.

Fenwick & Tilbrook’s ‘Aged Copper‘.

Fenwick & Tilbrook’s ‘Major Tom‘.

Fenwick & Tilbrook’s ‘Scotch Mist‘.

My daily dog walk looks like this for an hour and a half. It’s like ice skating. Please. Stop. Raining.

First coat of the water proofing oil for the two large bathroom shelves. These are more of the old floorboards from Wells reclamation yard and the colour and texture of this one is so fabulous we had to make sure we used it somewhere.

I oiled the landing window after it was cleaned and lightly sanded last weekend.

I am slowly working my way around the sitting room walls cleaning plaster from the stone walls and the timbers. Here is a bit I haven’t done.

Colin has given us some better wire brushes for cleaning up the timbers and stone, they are far better than the suede brushes we were using that lose their bristles after 5 minutes!

The door to the study was utterly covered in plaster, splashed up it, smeared down it and some hand prints too… Forgot to take a before piccie but needless to say it looks like a different door!

This needs a little repair work to the leaded lights and the timber needs oiling, then it will look really fabulous.

Our new second hand sofa before it gets wrapped up and protected. We now have somewhere to sit/collapse on in the house when it all gets a bit much!