Dan’s masterpiece of a floor is taking shape and it’s a work of art. He is being very patient, but he did say he’s gone a bit ‘elm blind’ today! It’s a slow process to get the boards in the right place, like a complicated jigsaw puzzle where the picture is missing.

Elm has a gorgeous grain, this board is one of our favourites.

One of the brand new ‘cut clasp’ nails which are square cut and tapered and ‘clasp’ the board firmly when hammered in. These are just like the original nails, but are machine made not hand made.

Dan is trying his best to get the nails into the original nail holes, not always possible, but it means he doesn’t need to make new holes in those boards.

He is also trying to line up the nail holes in all the boards as they would have originally sat. An added complication for him!

Dan modelling our new light for this room.

The latest recruits into Jasper’s fan club.

Our new rainwater goods have arrived from a company called Brett Martin and they look just as we had hoped. They are plastic but designed to look like cast iron and they are pretty convincing. Also appreciate the Springer Spaniel socks!

Cat has been working on the sitting room window again, removing the last bits of paint from the oak.

A particularly fabulous piece of Hornton blue stone in the study wall with a seam of orange running through it. The hand tool marks are fabulous too.

Tom has almost finished pointing the top half of the rear wall. Dust sheets soaked in water and insulation boards are being used to stop the lime mortar from drying out too quickly overnight.