We’ve been waiting keenly for these lights to arrive, super excited about them, and we weren’t disappointed! The hare is hilarious, destined for the sitting room or dining room, and the crow is ingenious, destined for the cubby hole in the wall in Zanna’s bedroom. We have already purchased a rat for the cubby hole in the wall in the sitting room, it’s in a box somewhere but I will find it and photograph it too.

This lamp has the best packaging ever.

First thing in the morning Cat started to paint the sitting room window with the primer to protect it from the elements, but abandoned it at about this stage when Dan started to make dust from the bathroom floor above…

Dan is using the elm floorboards that Dave the Soda blaster donated to us. They are good and strong but many of the edges are rotten and need trimming off. Sadly, this means they are not quite as wide as they were, but they still look fabulous.

Trimming the floorboard down to size.

We have a lot of off-cuts like this. We shall have to find something we can use them for…

Tom and George finishing off the last of the pointing on the rear wall.

Bill the welder returned today to weld up the steels in the floors. This is the large steel plate that is holding up the floating wall (as it was) on the cut through between the buildings. We feel more confident jumping up and down on the floor upstairs now 🙂

Our loft insulation has arrived.

This gadget is awesome, I want one. It’s hydraulic and electric so no need to push it around, it drives itself.

Our insulation is causing a traffic jam.

George is tasked with carrying it all up to the loft.

This insulation is super thin, not much thicker than a sheet of foil. This is to maximise head height in the loft. It is, however, very efficient insulation. We have been living in the house with zero insulation for over 3 years and are looking forward to a much smaller heating bill.

This will be installed in two layers with an air pocket in between. One layer will go over the top of the rafters and one layer underneath, fixed with battens.

Our poor dust sheets may need to be retired after this.