Another delivery from Fenwick & Tilbrook, this time Major Tom in Pure Matt emulsion as we ran out of this in claypaint for the modern wall on the landing and it needs at least one more coat. As it is modern plaster we are going to paint over it in the emulsion as it will be harder wearing and easier to clean any marks off. The large pot is Ladyholme the pale grey/green for the study.

We ordered 4 test pots for the dining room. We want to make the front wall dark (next to the front door) as this gets a great deal of traffic and will get dirty. If it is pale it will not last long, especially with Jasper the dog. Marram Grass is a deep, dark blue/green/grey with the paler colours to complement this on the other walls.

Yet more coats of oil are required for the bathroom shelves. They have absorbed all the oil and still looked dry so I have added a third coat on both sides!

Zanna’s bedroom walls, ceiling and timbers are all finished and look absolutely gorgeous. The ceiling is Farrow & Ball’s Wimborne White and the walls are Fenwick & Tilbrook’s Scotch Mist. Cat has done an amazing job of this room, many times over…! The resulting finish is top notch.

The old gnarled lintels above the landing window, oiled and looking resplendent with the freshly painted lime plaster with Earthborn’s St. John.

The quirky timbers with notches previously repurposed from something else.

A sure sign Spring is close by. A gift to brighten the house up from our cousin and her husband.

Pancake day and as it was just me I had pancakes for dinner, 6 of them all to myself, although I did give one to Jasper the dog. Yum.

After having a good look at the bathroom shower controls for the first time I have noticed two of the three have marks on them that look like scratches, although I do not know how they could have been scratched as they have been covered over since they were fitted and these marks look more like manufacturing marks…

I called the company that we bought these from and they are contacting the manufacturer but they believe that the marks could have been made by the plumber when they were installed…

I have painted some cardboard with the new test pot colours and shall see how they look in the house when they are dry.

Marram Grass is far greener than I thought it would be. I am not that sure about this or the paler colours so I have ordered a load more colour cards (14 of them to be precise…)

I only like one of the pale colours, the grey, top left, which is ‘Lady Jane‘.

Thursday morning and it is raining so heavily that I notice the patched up gutter on the slate roof is dripping so I get the ladders out and try and fix it.

It is dripping from the joint here and has been for a while as the wall near the ground is very wet.

I think the issue is that the gutter is too high here and needs the bracket winding down to lower it. For this I need a spanner, not something I can find right now (in the garage underneath everything) and I was getting very wet. I will come back to this…

Where the lime plaster was finished off down to the stone floor at the weekend, the flagstones need the lime scrubbing off before it dries hard.

It has cleaned up very well, but I brought Jasper around to the house with me this time thinking he would curl up on the sofa and sleep. He didn’t, instead he wanted to supervise, closely.

The new colour cards arrived! I obviously need to narrow them down…

These are my preferred choices, paired up for the contrasting colours for the dining room. Will see what Cat thinks when she returns on Saturday.

More bathroom shelves getting a second coat of oil.

The front study window with the glorious window seat. This room will be painted with Fenwick & Tilbrook’s ‘Ladyholme‘ claypaint.

I cleaned the dining room floor! This has been deep in mud, plaster, stone and saw dust for months and it was utterly disgusting. I have hoovered and have even washed the oak parquet floor by the front door, they were so thick with mud that you could barely see them!

The dining room floor looks so clean doesn’t it!?! Believe me, this is so much better than it was.

Both hoovers have been drafted in. I am cleaning the dust from the walls with our decent hoover from next door, while Henry is being used on the disgusting floors.

I ordered more wire brushes and these are particularly good, easier to hold and the bristles don’t fall out as quickly as the others. It makes cleaning up the stone walls much quicker and much less painful.

The opposite wall in the corridor took me no time at all to clean up with the new brush.

As requested, a photo of my hair colour against the landing feature wall in ‘Major Tom‘.