The happy scaffolders returned with all the tin panels required for the lid to finish the scaffolding. We are now able to get up to see the roof as they have fixed ladders to the front. We also now have boards at first floor level (to enable access to fix the windows) and plastic sheeting around the sides for extra protection. Unfortunately we have discovered there is a wasps nest in the roof so we have someone coming out tomorrow to remove it.

Tin roof going up to finish the scaffolding.

You can’t miss the scaffolding in the village.

View from Edgehill. Just below the 3 poplar trees you can see our scaffolding.

This scaffolding is immense.

While Tom was digging out the channels for the helifix steel ties in the corner of the wall in the sitting room, GUESS WHAT HE FOUND???

Yes! That’s another massive CHASM! It is directly underneath the one that he has just fixed, so we were expecting it, but equally we had hoped the house would give us a f***ing break…

There needs to be a secure wall to fit the helifix steel ties into.

Tom removed the loose stone from the previous fix and proceeded to set about rebuilding it.

By lunchtime this was complete. Amazing!

View from the study up into Zanna’s bedroom. The wall on the left is the buttress going up through both floors. This will ultimately be removed once the walls are all securely tied in.

The steel brackets at the end of the joists are bolted on and the threaded steel rods drilled into the walls and fixed with resin. Billy the welder is coming over this afternoon to weld these brackets onto the angled steels that run alongside the joists.

Billy the welder busy making fire.

Cat trying hard not to jump. She is smiling but cannot let go of the pole easily.

It is quite magical up here! We have been itching to see the roof up close for years, and to inspect the state of the old tiles. They are not good.

These two strips of modern tiles are the same width as the chasm, so this is how they fixed the roof when the wall had moved away… Good lord.

Our scaffolders dropped a pole. Not an issue though as these are coming off anyhow, but shows just how brittle the old tiles are.

Our house now looks like a film set.

The gable end wall. This is another worry for us as we spotted the crack here before we moved in.

We can now see up close the awfulness that is the cement literally smeared onto the face of the stone, we guess as an attempt to strengthen it. This in fact has the opposite effect and has damaged the stone, you can see it crumbling. Tom will need to do a lot of repair work here.

The ridge of the lower roof, to be looked at when we win the lottery……

Can you see the curve of the roof? That shouldn’t be curved.

Meanwhile Cat’s beans are growing well! It’s not all bad 🙂
OMG, on those sitting room pictures you can really see the angle of the front wall!! 😳😳😳
I know right. Also when you are on the roof you can clearly see the bowing out of the front wall and bowing in of the back wall… It’s quite pronounced!
Wow! What a project and half. We are sharing similar frusatrations about things that need fixing. It’s just that ours are on a boat rather than a house! 😂 Good luck with it all, I’m sure it will be worth it in the end!
I know! I am following your journey up river too! It’s all very exciting 🙂 xx