Estate agent photos from 2016 before we moved in versus where we are now. I’m not sure we are doing this right… Front of house Sitting room Sitting room Stairs from sitting room Dining room Dining room Study Landing Zanna’s bedroom Cat’s bedroom Bathroom Rear of house Back garden Old front door
Category: Roof
Snapshots of history
Every time we do any work on the house we inevitably find pieces of newspaper, very handily as we can then date the part that we are removing. We can date all work that was done to the house to 1897, 1929, 1939, 1941, 1950, 1952, 1974 and 1981. This gives us a fascinating insight… Continue reading Snapshots of history
Tie beam, could this be the root cause?
The beautiful timber that spans the entire building is called the tie beam, so called as it ties the front and back walls together, at least it should. Ours is no longer doing this and could indeed be the root cause of our problems. When we purchased the house, we knew that it had roof… Continue reading Tie beam, could this be the root cause?
Today was timber themed. It began with Dan uncovering another stunning beam at the foot of the A-Frame. This is the landing wall where the attic staircase will be. This beam will support the new steel beam which will sit on top of a pad stone. This steel will span the middle of the building… Continue reading Timber!!!
We found a hidden window!
This morning all the ceilings were taken down exposing the full attic space and it looks incredible. A few more horrors have been revealed, but we’ve also just discovered an old window in the gable end that has been blocked up! You can just see the blocked up window in the middle of this photo,… Continue reading We found a hidden window!
Up on the roof
The happy scaffolders returned with all the tin panels required for the lid to finish the scaffolding. We are now able to get up to see the roof as they have fixed ladders to the front. We also now have boards at first floor level (to enable access to fix the windows) and plastic sheeting… Continue reading Up on the roof
Break on through to the other side
Monday morning, another week, another hole. The chasm is being fixed by Tom & Dan today and they need to start by propping up the main A-Frame of the roof, as this is sitting on the end of the internal wall which is in real danger of collapsing. So they break through to the loft… Continue reading Break on through to the other side
Poo pipe
Typically, on the hottest day of the year, Tom & Dan are working outside, digging in the trench for the poo pipe. This mini digger, known as “Scoopy”, arrived to help out. A very suitable name for the poo pipe task I think you’ll agree. Now known as “Scooby poo”. The mains drainage is in… Continue reading Poo pipe
Not got wood
After uncovering the window seat in what will be our new bathroom, we suspected we might find the same in Zanna’s bedroom. The house didn’t disappoint! Another old oak window seat, but with this comes another hollow wall… To be honest this is the least of our worries with this part of the wall. This… Continue reading Not got wood