Groundhog day!

Everyday is exactly the same at the moment, which would be fine if each day was filled with good friends, fine wine and chocolate, instead of dust, rubble, face masks and sweat… Cat’s loving it. Cat is still raking out the large chimney breast. And removing screws and nails from all the timbers that will… Continue reading Groundhog day!

Ugh Friday

It’s been a long week, but on a positive note the combination of holes in the roof and shit loads of dust can look very beautiful when the sun comes out! We are thinking about re-purposing some of the joists that came out of the loft floor as hand rails for the stairs. The shape… Continue reading Ugh Friday

A dark day

Today Dan found a mummified rat in the attic and left in on top of this board in the skip. At head height. It had the desired effect. Although, we had our good friend Malgosia over (an animal fanatic) who took Roland rat home for a burial we think, but he may end up in… Continue reading A dark day