Green or blue?

Cat only has one day off work this weekend so we need to make it count. I have spent the week prepping the sitting room so it is ready for her to paint and this morning I finished off the last bits while Cat had a sort of lie in and walked Jasper. The sitting… Continue reading Green or blue?


More difficult decisions (for us)! We are using the bottom colour for the sitting room and, as we love the top colour and really want to use it, we are going to use this in the study. My reticence is that the study is lovely and light and bright at the moment and, as this… Continue reading Claypaints


Another super cold snow day, so I waste some time sorting through our garden finds. It’s amazing how much of the pottery goes together, I even pieced some bits together like a jigsaw. Much of this was found near the house and under the study window. Apparently when things got broken they were literally thrown… Continue reading Archaeology


It was a day of lime plastering with the top coat being finished in the study and being added in Zanna’s bedroom, while a second coat is being added to the landing and stairs. Our freshly repaired old front door looking resplendent with a coat of oil. Mitch and Alan starting on the stairs and… Continue reading Sublime!