Gravity defying

Monday morning and we have a houseful today with lots happening and lots of progress. Tom and George are pointing the massive chimney breast at the heart of the house, from top to bottom. Tom defying gravity (and scaring Cat) while pointing the side of the chimney breast down the stairwell. Tom, joyously, starting from… Continue reading Gravity defying

The last of the leaks?

And then it started to rain. It rained all night and by the morning we had sprung a leak. It was coming from the side of the scaffolding that hasn’t leaked before, the side that the roofers hadn’t yet covered. The attic floor was so saturated it was seeping through to Zanna’s bedroom below. It… Continue reading The last of the leaks?

All hands on deck

Monday morning and we have a full house! Tom and George are back after 2 weeks away, Billy and Andy (our plumbers) are here for 2 days to do the first plumbing fix, and Sam (our electrician) is here to complete the work needed before the plasterers start. We also had a visit from Pete… Continue reading All hands on deck

OMG knee pads!

Last night an Amazon delivery man dropped a package on the doorstep addressed to Cat, before running away from our vicious dog. Bit puzzled as we hadn’t ordered anything and it came to the correct address, the house we are living in (we haven’t changed our delivery address yet). Someone had sent a pair of… Continue reading OMG knee pads!