Condensation & frost

Every morning all the windows have very heavy condensation running down them and pooling on the sills inside due to the moisture levels in the house. The plaster will take a while to dry out (2 weeks for the modern plaster, many months for the lime plaster…) and until then this will happen. It is… Continue reading Condensation & frost

Scaffold goes topless

The scaffolders return today to remove the tin roof and the sheets around the sides (which have been destroyed by a few storms). The four of them form a chain to pass the metal sheets down from the top. The first peek of our new dormer windows. They look lovely! Although we have spotted a… Continue reading Scaffold goes topless

A very special gift

Today our plasterers Charlie, Alan and Mitch surprised us with a very special gift! This beautiful piece of Pyrography has been specially made for us by Alan’s partner, Martha, and when we opened it we both cried! Such am incredible gift, personalised to us and the house and a lovely keepsake preserving Pear Tree Cottage… Continue reading A very special gift