
So after many meetings and discussions, measuring up again and again, getting our Architect to redraw our plans (with an L-shaped staircase rather than the U-shaped one) and speak with Building Control to see if they would approve it, the ‘wrong’ staircase is actually going to fit!!! We were always under the impression that an… Continue reading Serendipity

The wrong staircase…

So our new staircase for the attic bedroom arrived last week, ready to assemble in place, but to our total horror it was the wrong bloody staircase! We have a completely different staircase designed and agreed with Building Control, a U-shaped staircase, but this is L-shaped… WTF happened we have no idea, but somewhere between… Continue reading The wrong staircase…

Earth, we have a problem

Sunday morning and Cat is painting the sitting room ceiling, a job she has understandably been putting off for a while as there is SO MUCH cutting in and her arms and neck are already hurting… Our brass lights are well wrapped up to protect from the paint. Another epic task. It’s all about the… Continue reading Earth, we have a problem

Awkward attic

Cat spends Monday filling all the gaps and holes and corners in the attic, an epic amount of filling that takes all day. Tuesday morning is spent sanding it all back then hoovering up the dust before finally she can start painting the top coat. One of the many edges and corners that needs filling.… Continue reading Awkward attic