
So aliens dropped a scaffolding plank from the sky which embedded itself in the pavement creating a massive hole. Not really. But this is how the day ended… Our Anglepoise wall lights arrived and we couldn’t wait to see how they would look in the study. Channels cut and steel bars added in the 4th… Continue reading Oops…


Final day of soda blasting and they finished the loft, cleaned the staircase and moved to the outside and cleaned all the door and window lintels, which meant we could safely watch the process in action. David precariously balancing on the scaffolding at the back of the house (this bit is not boarded out) cleaning… Continue reading Grey


We have been looking forward to this day for a very long time, since we had the inglenook fireplace soda blasted by David 2 years ago. Soda blasting is an approved process for cleaning up old timbers and stonework in listed properties. Sand blasting is generally no longer used. So we were delighted when we… Continue reading Spaceman!


Not much happened today except Cat raking more walls out and clearing the house ready for the soda blaster. Cat’s exhausted. Zanna’s hurt her shoulder and wrist (using a crow bar) so cannot do much to help in the house at the moment. Tom and Dan have gone to do another job for a few… Continue reading Orange